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> Ищю информацию Анхороме
сообщение Oct 8 2009, 14:58
Сообщение #1

Level 13

Класс: Обыватель
Характер: True Neutral
Раса: Человек

Доброго времени суток. Никто не может поделиться информацией об Анхороме или направление на литературу содержащую информацию об Анхороме? Просто в гугле ничего кроме общей инфы не нашел. (IMG:style_emoticons/kolobok_light/unsure.gif)
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сообщение Oct 20 2009, 16:31
Сообщение #2

Level 2

Класс: Воин
Характер: Chaotic Evil
Раса: Человек

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сообщение Oct 21 2009, 10:47
Сообщение #3

Level 6

Класс: Клерик
Характер: Chaotic Neutral
Раса: Животное

Ммммм... Насколько я знаю это что-то типа Северной Америки, только в Ториле. Находится это все дело на континенте Мацтика, а вот по ней уже есть сет. Правда 2ой редакции D&D и на инглише. Думаю можно там найти информацию интересную. Ссылку прилагаю...


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сообщение Oct 21 2009, 18:48
Сообщение #4

Level 13

Класс: Обыватель
Характер: True Neutral
Раса: Человек

Спасибо, конечно, но Мазтика и Анхором это США и Канада (IMG:style_emoticons/kolobok_light/unsure.gif) Они хоть и рядом, но являются крайне разными.
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сообщение Oct 22 2009, 09:33
Сообщение #5

Level 6

Класс: Клерик
Характер: Chaotic Neutral
Раса: Животное

Значит я ошибаюсь... Думал что Мазтика - это весь континент...

Вобщем вот все, что накопал...


The map at the end of this article is a topographical "hypothetical" map of the land of Anchorome. This continent is located just to the north of Maztica, and to the west of Faerun across the Trackless Sea. What follows is a brief outline of my thoughts concerning the major features of this land.

NW Quadrant -- The dominant feature is an immense series of mountain ranges formed by crustal folds. Thes highlands are dominated by two major political groups of dragons, plus various independent dragon families and monstrous creatures. In the NW portion of the range are the "True Bloods", a group of powerful dragons who worship Tiamat and refuse to associate themselves with lesser species such as mankind. In the SE portion of the range are the "Dragon Clans", various loosely allied dragon groups that willingly meddle in the affairs of man. The later are worshipped by various barbarian clans along the mountain edges, and have bred a race of half-dragons and sorcerers who frequently lead these wilderness groups.

In the center of the mountains is an immense dust bowl, formed by some ancient catastrophe. The bottom is filled with clouds of dry dust that are constantly stirred by wind currents and elementals. This land is all but uninhabitable, as the dust quickly chokes any who attempt to journey here. The bowl can be crossed by a lengthy flight between the surrounding peaks, or by travelling about the edges. In the center of the bowl is a towering crystalline formation of immense magical power. This mount is a sacred location to the dragons infesting the surrounding mountains, and is considered "sacred ground". The peak is constantly surrounded by dark clouds that flash with lightning. However no rain ever reaches the barren dust bowl below.

To the south of the mountains is a large inland lake about which are located several city states. The humans who dwell here have never been able to unite into a single nation, and political strife is common. Each city boasts it own army, although many choose to settle disputes through the assassin guilds. To the west is a land of many lakes which feeds water to the larger lake. This area of forests and marshy meadows is home to a peaceful race of giant lizardmen who have built an extensive civilization in the area.

NE Quadrant -- Once a mighty empire run by an aristocracy of half-illithid psions, this region has descended into a dark age of feudalism, tiny baronies, and weak kingdoms. Only a small vestage of the old, decadent empire remains, battling to hold back the incursions of dragon clan barbarians, humanoid hordes, and greedy kings. Thus far they have been successful, and they have built a series of fortifications and barriers that are reinforced by well-equipped forces and their psychic warriors.

This land knows none of the wizardly arts taught to the humans in faerun. Instead, dragon blood runs rich in these feudal lands, providing a ready answer to the uncanny psionic abilities of the old empire psions. However the aristocracy of the old empire were a promiscuous group, and not a few among the peasantry practice the mind craft. Of wizardry, however, all are of the opinion that they are the dark arts and are only practiced by a few who seek the knowledge from demonic powers. Such are quickly put to the torch.

To the east of the land are various islands, forming a band that follows the coastline far to the north. These have long been home to various independent and fierce warrior people; wild, feral elves who dwell among the island forests, and a host of werewolves and other lycanthropes who bedevil the isles to this day. It is due to these werewolves that the islands were never conquered by the old empire. Further to the east is fabled evermeet, the home of the elves. Many of the elves once native to this continent departed for this island, and so elves and half-elves are exceedingly rare on the main continent of Anchorome.

Of the other races found in faerun, no dwarves have made their way to this land. The ground is shallow and the water table high in many locations, making it unsuitable for extensive tunnels beneath the surface. Only in the mountains to the west are there to be found significant underdark ways, but these are mostly inhabited by monstrous humanoids. The lack of dwarven influence shows itself in many ways in this land, as the technology of constructing weapons and armor is much less advanced than in the lands of faerun. Indeed the best available armor is chain and scale mail, and plate mail has yet to make an appearance. Masterwork weapons are relatively scarce and magical weapons are all but unheard of. However psionic weapons of various kinds, and various forms of dragon armor, are much more plentiful here.

South of the empire is an immense, marshy river delta where dwell an old kingdom of the lizardmen. These once traded extensively with the empire, and were a common sight in the coastal cities. Now they are only infrequently found outside their swampy delta. It is said that they are ruled by an immensely old lizard demi-god who dwells in a pyramidal palace complex within the delta.

South -- The peninsula to the west is home to an extensive clan of gnomes. As their land is relatively isolated, it has seen little of the horrors of war brought elsewhere on this continent. Thus these gnomes are a settled and contented people, who farm their lands and tunnel through their mountains for precious stones. Their capital is located on the slopes of an immense mountain at the southern tip of their home. Here it is rumored they may have visits from flying craft from far-away worlds, and the gnomes have benefited greatly from this traffic.

Further south is a long range of coastal mountains, with an extensive desert located to the east. The mountains are home to various races, including giants, a rare breed of winged elves, and so forth. The desert to the east is infested with a breed of hardy orcs who terrorize any travellers across this land. Further south in this desert area is a savage group of humans known only as the dog people, who have fallen into abject barbarity and cruel rites. Only along the west coast just south of the river delta does any form of civilization exist here, consisting of various small baronies formed from tribal groups driven south by the expanding empire. These groups have formed a rudimentary civilization, but are insufficient in numbers to pose a threat to the surviving empire to the north of the delta.

А вот вообще интересная вещь.


* SJR2 Realmsspace, TSR
* Forgotten Realms Boxed set, TSR
* Spelljammer Boxed set, TSR
* FR 15 Gold and Glory, TSR
* FMA2 Fires of Zatal, TSR
* FMA2 Endless Armies, TSR
* FMQ1 City of Gold, TSR
* Maztica Boxed Set, TSR
* Lands of Intrigue Boxed set, TSR

Список официальных книжек в которых есть описания Anchorome

Сообщение отредактировал kiruhs - Oct 22 2009, 09:39
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сообщение Oct 22 2009, 14:25
Сообщение #6

Level 13

Класс: Обыватель
Характер: True Neutral
Раса: Человек

Это тоже находил. Сначало радости полные штаны было, а потом фраза "гипотетическая карта" въелась и начал выяснять. Оказалось сие не визардский каннон, а плод фантазии другого игрока.

А вот за книжки спасибо

Сообщение отредактировал deusex2 - Oct 22 2009, 14:28
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